This coming October 2022, will mark the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. This inauguration was the starting point for the renewal of the cultural, economic, social and artistic life of Bilbao city and its surroundings.
In this vein, the Museum has unveiled the overarching slogan of its anniversary: “Art Inspires Future,” as well as a special edition of its logo, which it will use throughout this year, in which the characteristic G’s of the Guggenheim brand move like gears to shape the number 25.
The Guggenheim Museum has designed an intense, high-quality, appealing exhibition program targeted at a broad, diverse audience. The public will enjoy a variety of shows, such as the presentations that kick off the 25th Anniversary this February: From Fauvism to Surrealism. Masterpieces from the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, and the retrospective devoted to Dubuffet, not to mention the major exhibition in spring and
summer entitled Motion, Autos, Art, Architecture, and the main events in the fall, when the entire Museum
will be “dressed up” for its birthday with the works from the Collection.
Music will also play a prominent role in the 25th Anniversary through a Musical Program that will feature five
unique performances.
The celebration this year will also focus on a number of aspects:
- Celebration: a program that highlights the cultural, artistic, and social milestones over the Museum’s 25 years of history.
- Presentation of the Museum Collection which will occupy the entire exhibition space. Visitors will see many of the artworks that the Museum has been acquiring from its inception in a single visit.
- Acknowledgment of the Institutions, groups associated with the Museum, and the community at large.
- Inclusiveness, with an appealing, dynamic program of activities and initiatives for all stakeholders and people of all ages and backgrounds.
- Unity, pride, and belonging as the values that have turned the Museum into an icon of Bilbao, Biscay, and the Basque Country and made it a source of pride for their citizens.
- Transformation and future projection, with spaces to reflect on the transformation that the Museum has brought about in multiple spheres and how the region is perceived with regard to the future. These themes take shape in art via a particularly ambitious exhibitions program and a project that seeks to embrace the local artistic community; in the sphere of culture in its broadest sense by stepping up theprograms and the close ties and collaborations with other cultural agents; and in celebrations via a numberof events designed to express gratitude, share, and celebrate with citizens.
The relaunch of TopARTE on the Museum’s 25th Anniversary is already a packed program of cultural activities and events throughout the year: ACT Festival, BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa, Design Research Society (Bilbao Ekintza), Festival Anime Bilbao, Gau Zuria, International Forum of Visual Practitioners, Kuraia, La Fundición, Loraldia Musikene, Choral Society of Bilbao, Philharmonic Society of Bilbao, and Zinegoak
Museo Guggenheim Bilbao Avenida Abandoibarra, 2 48009 Bilbao Spain
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Ticket, reservations, and detailed schedules:
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